Presenting Your Case: A Guide to Persuading Your Boss to Invest in Your Marketing Future
As a marketing leader, you need the skills and mindset to drive growth and success for your organization. Investing in your professional development through the Chief Marketing Officer Leadership Program results in positive ROI for your organization. It improves your engagement and performance, reduces turnover, enhances creativity, and develops you into a more effective marketing leader. The information in this guide can be used to convince your boss of the business case to invest in your marketing skills development.
Understanding Customer-Centricity in Retail
Customer-centricity is all about meeting your customers’ needs while staying true and authentic to your brand. What does that really mean for your retail organization, and how can you embed it into the fabric of your organization?
Customer Centricity Provides a Strategic Advantage
In today's business landscape, customer centricity has become the cornerstone of successful organizations. By prioritizing the needs, preferences, and experiences of customers, businesses can build stronger relationships, foster loyalty, and gain a competitive edge.
Digital Transformation Trends Are Changing Marketing
Changes are creating greater variance in the roles that marketing executives play in an organization. But while the digital economy is changing how we learn about customers and market opportunities and presenting new business models, marketing is still about providing customers with a better value proposition than competitors.
New CPED Program Helps Chief Marketing Officers Navigate the Digital Economy
Chief Marketing Officer Digital Leadership Program launching in June 2023.
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