Mastering Emotional Intelligence: Strategies for Business Leaders

The ability to navigate emotions (yours and others’) effectively is a crucial skill for leaders. EI plays a pivotal role in your leadership effectiveness and team dynamics. Leaders with emotional intelligence are more likely to make good decisions, build strong relationships, and navigate challenges with resilience.

Four Project Health Vital Signs More Important Than Budget

If you are a project sponsor or project manager, you know how important project schedules, budgets, and stakeholder satisfaction are for project success. But there are other, maybe more important, variables that are essential for monitoring a project’s health. The DICE framework helps you measure four variables that are statistically significant for project success or failure.

How Can Mindset Influence Your Leadership Style?

Mindset refers to your prevailing attitudes, beliefs, and perspectives about the world and yourself. It shapes how you interpret experiences, face challenges, and set goals. I’ve debated with colleagues whether mindset drives behaviors or whether behaviors drive mindset. As is sometimes the issue with these sorts of questions—especially questions that touch on the brain’s executive function—the only correct answer is that it depends. Are behavioral solutions sufficient to create and maintain a leadership style?

What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There

One of the fundamental contributors that limits the success rate of changes in the organization is a management philosophy and approach that focuses on productivity and efficiency. This management approach has been the predominant philosophy for the last 100 years, but what has gotten organizations here will not be the key philosophy that will boost organizations for the next 100 years.