CPED Instructor and author Steve King releases second edition of his popular Brag, Worry, Wonder, Bet book, which looks at conducting performance reviews in a new way.
performance review
How to Prepare for a Performance Review as a Manager
Providing feedback can be overwhelming and preparing to deliver critical feedback to your employees can be daunting. The following framework will give you examples to prepare for your performance review conversations.
Optimizing Team Performance: Managing the Individual and Managing the Team [Webinar Recording]
While managing individuals has stayed relatively normal, making sure the whole team is optimized and still working together while physically apart is a bigger challenge than it was before. How can managers navigate the differences between managing individuals and managing teams in this new reality?
Professional Development Resources at Home: Webinar Recordings
Here is a list of great resources to help you deliver great performance reviews, have critical conversations with your employees, and be a more effective leader in uncertain times.