Effective Fiscal Leadership: Key Indicators Every Health Care Leader Needs to Know

Understanding the financial intricacies of your health care organization is vital yet challenging. As a leader at your health care organization, mastering effective fiscal leadership is essential to help steer your team and the organization toward success. Understanding key financial indicators is not just a skill, it’s a strategic advantage.

Pros and Cons of Value-based Health Care

Value-based care is touted as one of the methods that could replace the fee-based method. As a starting off point, we’ve broken out some of the pros and cons to the value-based care method. It’s important to note that the pros and cons can vary depending on the specific context, healthcare system, and implementation strategy of value-based health care. 

Why Should Health Care Transition to Value-based Care? 

Value-based care involves all stakeholders including providers, hospital systems, and insurance organizations. We’ve gathered experts from each stakeholder group to share insights, experiences, and challenges they’ve encountered through their value-based health care transitions.

Wisconsin Hospital Association Partners with CPED to Offer Health Care Leadership Academy

Through an immersive, five-month program designed with in-person and online learning components, participants will gain an understanding of the business side of health care to meet the rapidly changing demands of the health care industry.