While there are myriad challenges facing organizations, one that stands out most is digital transformation.
Wisconsin School of Business
Are You Fluent in the Language of Business?
Far too many current and aspiring leaders tell us the financial “stuff” makes them queasy, uncomfortable, or worse. To help them make sense of this “stuff” and feel more confident, we take a unique approach.
Wisconsin Hospital Association Partners with CPED to Offer Health Care Leadership Academy
Through an immersive, five-month program designed with in-person and online learning components, participants will gain an understanding of the business side of health care to meet the rapidly changing demands of the health care industry.
Organizational Restructuring Fuels Growth at ACV Parent Company
Initially, ACV Parent Company’s strategy was to leave the acquired businesses as standalone entities instead of integrating them into ACV or across other similar businesses. While this strategy worked for a period of time, market conditions changed and a new strategy was needed.
Success Stories – Colleague Retention Drives Financial Results at One Community Bank
The complexities of bringing two similarly sized banks on two different core systems together warranted working with an external resource.
Trust is Crucial in Remote Work Settings
More than anything, leadership, whether remote or not, is about trust. You must trust to be trusted and create an environment where the presence of trust is assumed.
The WBS: What It Is and Why It Is Essential for Project Success
The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a key tool in a comprehensive project plan. It is the foundation for many of the other plan elements. A comprehensive and realistic project plan is the foundation for a successful project.
How Allyship Connects Us
Being an ally is not just a label or a moniker on a shirt. Allyship is action.
75 Stories – Amanda Myers, Accounting Manager
Amanda Myers has been a member of the Fluno Center team since 2014 and will officially become CPED’s new accounting manager in August 2021.
75 Stories – Jacqueline Riphenburg, CPED Instructor
Jacqueline Riphenburg is a former CPED program participant. She will join the Wisconsin School of Business Center for Professional & Executive Development as an instructor for Project Management Essentials in fall 2021.