A Journey of Growth: Q&A with a Continuous Improvement Champion

There’s no one-size-fits-all journey to professional success. Each career story is unique, shaped by diverse experiences. Matt Bartman has his own unique journey to share from his nontraditional path to leadership to the pivotal role of professional development, and CPED, in his career.

Successful Leadership Depends on Relationship Development 

Establishing and nurturing solid relationships requires skill and determination. In the absence of positive, considerate relationships, individuals, teams, and organizations risk failure on multiple fronts—falling engagement, declining productivity, and departing employees.

Impact Your Team in Seconds with Positive Microbehaviors

It takes only seconds to make or break a team member’s day. These brief interactions are called microbehaviors. Our microbehaviors have the potential to make an immediate and positive impact on someone else. Fine tuning your microbehaviors is not as heavy of a lift as you might think.

Pros and Cons of Value-based Health Care

Value-based care is touted as one of the methods that could replace the fee-based method. As a starting off point, we’ve broken out some of the pros and cons to the value-based care method. It’s important to note that the pros and cons can vary depending on the specific context, healthcare system, and implementation strategy of value-based health care. 

Digital Transformation in Financial Services: Strategy and Change Management 

This guide provides tools and insights to help you understand why strategy and change management are integral parts in your financial services organization’s digital transformation.

The Myth of Manager Vs Leader Is Harming Your Organization

In the business world there has been a myth that managers and leaders are fundamentally different. CPED Instructor Betsy Hagan challenges us to take these existing opinions and ideas and reframe them for today’s business environment. It’s time to reframe the juxtaposition of management vs leadership roles. 

 Customer Centricity Provides a Strategic Advantage  

In today’s business landscape, customer centricity has become the cornerstone of successful organizations. By prioritizing the needs, preferences, and experiences of customers, businesses can build stronger relationships, foster loyalty, and gain a competitive edge.