Perspectives From a Manager Boot Camp Graduate

Individuals who receive formal training, such as CPED’s Manager Boot Camp, have a deeper understanding of the role, improved communication skills, more effective feedback methods, improved conflict resolution, and the skills to manage effectively during times of change.

75 Stories – Chuck West, CPED Instructor

Chuck West was a member of the Wisconsin School of Business Center for Professional & Executive Development team as an instructor from 1970 to 2002. In 2002, Chuck became CPED’s program director for sales, management, and leadership programs until his retirement in 2017.

Six Conversations: Collaborating with Your Staff to Improve Performance [Webinar Recording]

To be an effective manager, you need to facilitate six basic conversations that matter most to your employees and, as it turns out, your organization. Author and CPED instructor Steve King shares a framework that will help you have more effective conversations with your employees.