Productive tools to facilitate brainstorming, debate, and analysis sessions are valuable for a group attempting to categorize and prioritize potential growth opportunities they have identified in the early stages of a strategic planning process.
4 Strategic Capabilities Needed in Leaders
The phrase “strategic capabilities,” means different things to different people. We’ve cataloged the four different meanings clients articulate most often. These four distinctions have become a short-hand way to assess how we might help different clients build the desired and appropriate strategic capabilities, or competencies they want in their leaders and managers.
When Company Culture Works
The vision Johnsonville sets for its culture speaks volumes about how engaged and employee-powered Johnsonville’s culture is. It can teach all businesses a lesson about organizational culture.
3 Tips for Project Management Spring Cleaning
Organizations looking to clean up their project management can follow a process of focusing on clutter reduction, repairs and improvements, and adding a touch of innovation and new techniques.