Take a Strategic Approach to Evaluating Your Sales Ecosystem

Frequently, execution weaknesses trace to the supporting elements in the sales ecosystem, not to the talent base. h, strategic analysis of the elements in a typical sales ecosystem. A focused effort on continuous improvement – with honest inputs from the sales people – will yield the kind of productive supporting environment sales professionals require to succeed.

Agile Estimation – Feature and Story Sizing Scales

It is important for scrum masters, product owners, and teams not to outsmart themselves when developing their relative sizing scales. Effective Agile teams must develop a simple, repeatable scale for feature-level sizing and story point estimating.

Becoming the Hero’s Coach

Unfortunately, the well-honed skills that define a great individual contributor don’t always translate to the skills needed to lead people. Even when good people skills are developed success can be elusive unless newly minted managers shift their mindset from being the “hero” as an individual contributor to the “hero’s coach” in managing others.