A significant challenge for executives is understanding how to lead through disruption while ensuring the long-term success of the business. Having clear focus, making strategic decisions, and supporting your team will help you better balance your short-term needs with your long-term strategy.
webinar recording
Getting Work Done in Virtual Meetings [Webinar Recording]
You cannot use the same meeting standards and best practices you used in the office for your virtual meetings and expect to be as productive. CPED instructor Susan Finerty shared her framework to help you have more productive virtual meetings in a recent webinar.
Professional Development Resources at Home: Webinar Recordings
Here is a list of great resources to help you deliver great performance reviews, have critical conversations with your employees, and be a more effective leader in uncertain times.
Thinking About Your Thinking: Understanding the Ladder of Inference [Webinar Recording]
To help you better understand the Ladder of Inference and how it impacts your leadership style, we create this 10-minute webinar.
Six Conversations: Collaborating with Your Staff to Improve Performance [Webinar Recording]
To be an effective manager, you need to facilitate six basic conversations that matter most to your employees and, as it turns out, your organization. Author and CPED instructor Steve King shares a framework that will help you have more effective conversations with your employees.