Cash may be more important than profit. The more we align our decisions to help employees drive cash availability, to use cash wisely, and to generate more cash for the company, the better.
Innovation Requires Unique Leadership Skills for Real Success
Leading an innovation group is different from leading other areas of an organization. The right leadership of an innovation group can make the difference between whether an organization innovates successfully or not.
What Business Leaders Need to Know about IT
Three pieces of IT insight and recommendations on how to “connect” – from a business leader’s perspective.
‘Keep it simple’ Method is Key to Successfully Innovating
In an effort to be innovative, organizations will often pursue a complicated idea rather than a simple one. However, sometimes the best innovative idea is one that is simple — simple to execute and simple for the intended market to understand.
Take a Strategic Approach to Evaluating Your Sales Ecosystem
Frequently, execution weaknesses trace to the supporting elements in the sales ecosystem, not to the talent base. h, strategic analysis of the elements in a typical sales ecosystem. A focused effort on continuous improvement – with honest inputs from the sales people – will yield the kind of productive supporting environment sales professionals require to succeed.
The Importance of Employee Conversations
The work of a manager revolves around conversations. Only through conversations with your team, your peers and work partners, and your own manager, can you influence productivity and engagement.
Define Your Decision-Making Style
Learning to position ideas from the perspective and decision-making style of the person you’re communicating with can make influencing easier and more effective.
Why It’s Critical to Have Sound Financial Acumen
While you might not ever be fluent in finance-speak, you can develop the acumen to carry on the conversation in the language of business. Finance folks alone shouldn’t dominate the conversation – better decisions and greater alignment occurs when all departments are balanced throughout an organization.
Engage. Coach. Develop.
Regularly fulfilling these three manager accountabilities – engage, coach, and develop – shows to the employee that the manager is invested in helping the employee prosper.
Don’t Change for the Sake of Change
Identification of the root cause issue is a critical step to ensuring successful organizational change and performance improvement.