Value-based care is touted as one of the methods that could replace the fee-based method. As a starting off point, we’ve broken out some of the pros and cons to the value-based care method. It’s important to note that the pros and cons can vary depending on the specific context, healthcare system, and implementation strategy of value-based health care.
center for professional & executive development
Digital Transformation in Financial Services: Strategy and Change Management
This guide provides tools and insights to help you understand why strategy and change management are integral parts in your financial services organization’s digital transformation.
The Myth of Manager Vs Leader Is Harming Your Organization
In the business world there has been a myth that managers and leaders are fundamentally different. CPED Instructor Betsy Hagan challenges us to take these existing opinions and ideas and reframe them for today’s business environment. It’s time to reframe the juxtaposition of management vs leadership roles.
Creating High-level Process Maps
Process maps can be a valuable tool for your team to better organize process, improve communication, and achieve goals. This article dives into how you can build a high-level process map, what you should consider when creating it, best practices, and how to make the most of the information found once it is complete.
Embracing Constructive Styles for Organizational Success in the Era of AI
While AI offers transformative possibilities for businesses, it can also instill stress and fear among workers.
Investing in Oneself: The Transformative Benefits of Leadership, Career, and Executive Coaching
To thrive and succeed, professionals at all levels are turning to coaching as a powerful tool for personal and professional growth.
Customer Centricity Provides a Strategic Advantage
In today’s business landscape, customer centricity has become the cornerstone of successful organizations. By prioritizing the needs, preferences, and experiences of customers, businesses can build stronger relationships, foster loyalty, and gain a competitive edge.
How Can Financial Services Institutions Better Serve Customers?
Understanding and serving your customers effectively is crucial for your financial service organization’s long-term success. To truly meet their needs and overcome their challenges you must dive deeper into their world.
A Fresh Approach to Health Care Leadership
Download our free guide comprised of articles and resources designed to help health care leaders identify where they should focus their leadership efforts and understand why these mindset shifts are important to them, their teams, and the organization.
How to Prepare for a Performance Review as a Manager
Providing feedback can be overwhelming and preparing to deliver critical feedback to your employees can be daunting. The following framework will give you examples to prepare for your performance review conversations.