Sharpening Your Executive Focus During Significant Disruption [Webinar Recording]

A significant challenge for executives is understanding how to lead through disruption while ensuring the long-term success of the business. Having clear focus, making strategic decisions, and supporting your team will help you better balance your short-term needs with your long-term strategy.

Take a Strategic Approach to Evaluating Your Sales Ecosystem

Frequently, execution weaknesses trace to the supporting elements in the sales ecosystem, not to the talent base. h, strategic analysis of the elements in a typical sales ecosystem. A focused effort on continuous improvement – with honest inputs from the sales people – will yield the kind of productive supporting environment sales professionals require to succeed.

4 Strategic Capabilities Needed in Leaders

The phrase “strategic capabilities,” means different things to different people. We’ve cataloged the four different meanings clients articulate most often. These four distinctions have become a short-hand way to assess how we might help different clients build the desired and appropriate strategic capabilities, or competencies they want in their leaders and managers.