This article examines six elements of organizational design needed to execute strategy as well as tips to avoid dysfunction and poor performance.
Designing Your Organization with Thoughtful Intent
A poorly designed organization is going to encounter trouble in the marketplace. Smart leaders realize that their organization’s culture either helps or hinders progress towards mission and strategy.
Sharpening Your Executive Focus During Significant Disruption [Webinar Recording]
A significant challenge for executives is understanding how to lead through disruption while ensuring the long-term success of the business. Having clear focus, making strategic decisions, and supporting your team will help you better balance your short-term needs with your long-term strategy.
Culture: The Driving Force Behind Your Business Strategy
Competition for the right talent is fierce. Savvy organizational leaders know that having the right culture can be that game changer.
75 Stories- Linda Gorchels, CPED Instructor
Linda Gorchels has served as a CPED instructor for the past 30 years teaching in the marketing and business acumen areas.
Take a Strategic Approach to Evaluating Your Sales Ecosystem
Frequently, execution weaknesses trace to the supporting elements in the sales ecosystem, not to the talent base. h, strategic analysis of the elements in a typical sales ecosystem. A focused effort on continuous improvement – with honest inputs from the sales people – will yield the kind of productive supporting environment sales professionals require to succeed.
How Flexible is Your Business Strategy?
The game of business comes down to make-or-break decisions, which should be reviewed as a regular management team agenda item – not as a once yearly event.
4 Ways to Keep Strategic Planning Focused
Often, people get lost in the weeds of operations and tactics, eating up far too much valuable meeting time while the real strategic issues and decisions go looking for a home. Here are some ways to help you avoid this trap and stay focused on what matters most.
Is it Time to Review Your Organization’s Design?
Organizational design is not just structure, it consists of multiple elements that need to be designed and aligned properly to implement strategy and achieve the desired results.
A Framework for Strategic Growth: Deliberations and Decisions
Productive tools to facilitate brainstorming, debate, and analysis sessions are valuable for a group attempting to categorize and prioritize potential growth opportunities they have identified in the early stages of a strategic planning process.