Leveraging Expertise for Organizational Success

Experienced consultants bring a wealth of knowledge and understanding that can contribute greatly to guiding organizations towards their cultural objectives. By leveraging a skilled consultant, leaders can navigate the complexities of today’s business climate to drive effective change.

Pros and Cons of Value-based Health Care

Value-based care is touted as one of the methods that could replace the fee-based method. As a starting off point, we’ve broken out some of the pros and cons to the value-based care method. It’s important to note that the pros and cons can vary depending on the specific context, healthcare system, and implementation strategy of value-based health care. 

Digital Transformation in Financial Services: Strategy and Change Management 

This guide provides tools and insights to help you understand why strategy and change management are integral parts in your financial services organization’s digital transformation.

Why Should Health Care Transition to Value-based Care? 

Value-based care involves all stakeholders including providers, hospital systems, and insurance organizations. We’ve gathered experts from each stakeholder group to share insights, experiences, and challenges they’ve encountered through their value-based health care transitions.

Change Efforts Fail If Managers Are Poorly Prepared 

Frontline managers often feel responsible for doing the heavy lifting of organizational change efforts. This “manager’s dilemma” is not a guarantee of failure. When managers embrace four specific roles related to change efforts, they can be more successful in moving a change forward.

Organizational Restructuring Fuels Growth at ACV Parent Company

Initially, ACV Parent Company’s strategy was to leave the acquired businesses as standalone entities instead of integrating them into ACV or across other similar businesses. While this strategy worked for a period of time, market conditions changed and a new strategy was needed.  

You Can’t Herd Electric Sheep: Leadership Post-COVID [Webinar Recording]

Successfully leading remote and hybrid teams requires different skills to ensure team alignment and engagement. There are some leadership styles that can be detrimental when applied to a remote or hybrid team, and you need to be proactive in addressing those issues before there is a cultural breakdown.